New EU Crypto Regulation: Quo vadis MiCAR & travel rule?
October 26th 2023 | 16:30 CET
Conference with Apéro Riche at Zunfthaus zur Schmiden, Marktgasse 20, 8001 Zürich
The SWISS CAPITALMARKETFORUM is delighted to invite you to an event on the upcoming EU Market in Crypto Asset Regulation (MiCAR) and Travel Rule as part of the Transfer of Funds Regulation (TFR).
Our event on the “NEW EU CRYPTO REGULATION: QUO VADIS MiCAR & TRAVEL RULE?” covers the most current topics in the regulation of crypto assets. Become acquainted with the practical application and the impact of the upcoming regulation.
✔ Keynote Speech on MiCAR
MiCAR aims to standardize regulation governing transparency and disclosure obligations related to the issuance, public offering, and trading of crypto assets. It also encompasses guidelines for the licensing and overseeing of crypto asset service providers (CASPs) and entities issuing crypto assets.
✔ MiCAR Countdown – Meaning, impact and outlook for the EU and Switzerland
With the impending implementation of MiCAR it is important to highlight the potential consequences MiCAR may have on the industry. Issuers will have a window of 12 months to comply with MiCAR requirements, while CASPs will have an extended period of 18 months to achieve MiCAR compliance.
✔ Travel Rule/TFR – Challenges and solutions for CASPs
The European Parliament concluded their voting process on April 20, determining that European CASPs must adapt their compliance framework to align with the European Union’s adoption of the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF’s) Travel Rule within the next 18 months.
✔ Apéro Riche
After the session we offer an Apéro Riche to enjoy personal conversations to discuss the topics in a more detailed way and to give our participants the opportunity to network.
Please find the program below.
Our Speakers:
✔ Magdalena Boškić, Exec. Board Member of SWISS CAPITALMARKETFORUM, Head RegTech & Crypto Compliance Services, Sygnum Bank
✔ Dorothea Rohlfing, Head Regulatory Laboratory/Financial Innovation, Strategic Affairs, Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA)
✔ Dr. Reto Degen, Member of the Executive Board, Head of the Asset Management and Markets Division, Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA)
✔ Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Weber, Law Professor, Co-director UZH Blockchain Center
✔ Dr. Clara Guerra, Deputy Director, Office for Financial Market Innovation Liechtenstein (SFID)
✔ Chris McAteer, Senior Compliance Advisor, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX)
✔ Monika Schuler, Product Manager at Sygnum Bank
✔ Maxim Kon, CEO & Founder at Consultiks AG, Board Member Crypto Valley Association
✔ Jean-Michel Krauskopf, Head of Blockchain Compliance at Bank Frick
✔ Gzime Shaqiri, RegTech & Crypto Compliance Officer, Sygnum Bank
✔ Dr. iur. Alexander Lindemann, Chairman of the Board of SWISS CAPITALMARKETFORUM, Founding Partner at Lindemann Law
The conference is organised and moderated by Swiss Capitalmarketforum – Financial Markets Dialog of Executives.
Who should attend?
Investors, Wealth Managers, Pension Funds, Family Offices, Banks, Consultants, Lawyers, Tax Advisors, Auditors, Regulators, Tax Officers, Funds & Asset Managers
16:30 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:05
Magdalena Boškić,
Exec. Board Member of SWISS CAPITALMARKETFORUM, Head RegTech & Crypto Compliance Services, Sygnum Bank
17:05 – 17:25
Keynote Speech on MiCAR
Dorothea Rohlfing,
Head Regulatory Laboratory/Financial Innovation, Strategic Affairs, Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA)
Dr. Reto Degen,
Member of the Executive Board, Head of the Asset Management and Markets Division, Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA)
17:25 – 18:10
MiCAR Countdown – Meaning, impact and outlook for the EU and Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Weber,
Law Professor, Co-director UZH Blockchain Center
Dr. Clara Guerra,
Deputy Director, Office for Financial Market Innovation Liechtenstein (SFID)
Magdalena Boškić,
Head RegTech & Crypto Compliance Services, Sygnum Bank
Chris McAteer,
Senior Compliance Advisor, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX)
18:10 – 18.25
18:25 – 18:55
Travel Rule/TFR – Challenges and solutions for CASPs
Monika Schuler,
Product Manager at Sygnum Bank
Maxim Kon,
CEO & Founder at Consultiks AG, Board Member Crypto Valley Association
Jean-Michel Krauskopf,
Head of Blockchain Compliance at Bank Frick
Gzime Shaqiri,
RegTech & Crypto Compliance Officer, Sygnum Bank
18:55 – 19:00
Dr. iur. Alexander Lindemann,
Chairman of the Board of SWISS CAPITALMARKETFORUM, Founding Partner at LINDEMANNLAW
19:00 – 20:00